Executive Solutions Group
O nas:
O nas
Executive Solutions jest polskim konsorcjum realizującym projekty o zasięgu ogólnoświatowym.W naszych szeregach zatrudniamy najlepszych elektryków i wysoce wyspecjalizowanych pracowników stoczniowych. Dzięki wiedzy i doświadczeniu naszych fachowców wykonywane przez nas projekty są bezkonkurencyjne.
About us
In the past several years, Executive Solutions Group have supervised various projects on land and sea. We made great strides and gained impressive working knowledge carrying out complex electrical installations. We never cease to develop and fine tune our internal process, delivering projects and providing our services worldwide. Our experts, managers, electricians and others employees ensure that our work on land, sea and ships meets the industry highest standards and we never miss a deadline. We are committed to providing comprehensive services, which is why we offer design, execution, assembling, maintenance and modernization works.
What we do?
We provide services to ship owners and main contractors of offshore projects, shipyards, housing developers and companies supervising the exec ution of various performance. From design, valuation to assembly, implementation and service. Electrical, carpentry, plumbing and welding works. We provide skilled, well-trained and experienced project managers, team leaders and technicians. We pay special attention to the copletion of projects on schedule.
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