
José Valente, Błażej Reiter, Daminik Zhykh / akordeon

W programie:

G. Bjerre, L. Destremau, M.V. Hansen, L. Janáček, A. Skibsted, W. Zubicki


José Valente


Katedra Organów, Klawesynu, Akordeonu, Gitary, Harfy i Instrumentów Historycznych

Anders Skibsted – Graf Plot for accordion
This music explores small differences and variations, with several microtonal glissandi and interferences forming into a structure of small threads. Also with bowed notes push the accordion's limits in a microtonal music.

Matias Vestergård Hansen – Drowning Preludes for accordion
These three preludes consist of small studies, each with its own technique. The first prelude explores bellowshakes at different speeds, creating a gritty grid through, where melodies and clusters are filtered. The second prelude is a heartfelt dirge that deals with glissandos in single notes and chords. The final prelude is a miniature built around two single gestures.


Loïc Destremau – Study for accordion
This is a composition that pushes our way of perceiving sound and music, as well as a music that pushes the accordion's instrumental limitations.


Gustav Bjerre – Suite for accordion
This work is based on a psalm from 1642 by Heinrich Albert, in danish church music called “Helligånd, vor sorg du slukke”, and is a choral partita in the clothes of the baroque suite. The melody is present throughout the piece, sometimes emphasized explicitly, more often hidden in various ways, and all movements are based upon the structure of the hymn.

Leoš Janáček – 2 miniatury z cyklu ,,Na zarośniętej ścieżce''

Wołodymyr Zubicki – Perpetuum mobile